- Why are you looking to buy art
- How much do you have to spend
- Do you have a preference to artist
From answering these question your now in a position to answer some further questions:
- Will you be hanging/displaying the work at home
- Will you be framing the work
From these questions you can then go on to discuss other related issues such as
- Will the art suit the selected room
- Do I require extra security
When you have finally answered all these questions you have come along way and answered some important questions. But you are still no closer to finding the art to buy you wanted. So I put forward this question why buy art on-line? I have listed advantage and disadvantages below:
- Price
- Choice/big selection
- Conveyance/quick
- Don't have to level your house
- Lack of perspective (computer monitors limit viewing)
- Unable to see different lighting conditions
- Art will need to be send via post
So looking at the list of advantages you have the normal on-line price advantage, websites have low overheads so can keep the cost of the art lower. The selection of art on-line is almost limitless I find new places to buy art on a daily biases. The convenience of buy on-line can not be disputed its just so dame quick and easy.
So know you know you want to buy on-line and you have answered all the inportant questions all there is left to do it find the website and sellect the art. Now I could list a large list of 50 places for you to buy your art but on the whole there are only 4 types of website out there you can buy art on.
- Commercial art website, dedicated to art with multiple artist
- Commercial general retailer that sell art
- Artist own website/blog
Specialist online sites or gallery websites that have a online presence. These sites dedicate themselves to art and so are a good place to start. e.g. www.art.com
Commercial general retailers that sell art are not always the first option, more so if you are looking to buy an original. But can offer so bargains on printed work. e.g. www.amazon.com
Artist own website / blog can be very hard to find but can also reap you rewards with unique art that might near make it on to the more commercial site. There is also a new type of website which is a dedicated art site which offers artist there own blog with the promise of customers. e.g. www.bibigallery.com
So before I rap up and let you go off to find the perfect piece of art for your living room I want to give some tips.
Things to watch out for (potential problems)
- Buy art only from artist and on-line gallery that have a refund policy. This will cover your back if there is a problem.
- Try and get a good look at the art not just some little thumbnail which could turn out to be very different from what you hoped.
- Make sure there is someone running the website you can approach if there are any problems, especially important when you are buying direct from the artist.
- Make sure you pay with paypal or simlar, these services put extra secureity and easy of use in your hands. Plus you will have some extra protection if something goes wrong.
- Establish a budget and stick to it.

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